January 30, 2024, marks MyCitiHomes’ 3rd Alfamart Store Opening since 2023. The momentous occasion took place along Patindig Araw Road, Imus Cavite. Alfamart aims to serve almost 407 homeowners of Bali Hai Residences together with customers and employees within the vicinity. Definitely a time saver for those grabbing snacks and daily essentials with ease.
During the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies, MyCitiHomes’ Executive Vice President, Mr. John Philip Wang, shook hands with both Buhay na Tubig Barangay Chairman Hon. Reymundo De Guzman Ramirez and Chief Operative Officer of Alfamart, Mr. Harvey Ong, in spearheading collaboration between local government, community developers, and business owners to provide beyond housing but livable homes and communities.

Liora Homes Gentri was the 1st Alfamart to be inaugurated last May 5, 2023, followed by Amaris Homes Molino on November 30 of the same year, serving a total of 2,646 families.

Building towards a growing, sustainable relationship, MyCitiHomes and Alfamart customers and clients can look forward to more stores within all MyCitiHomes communities, thus creating a healthier sense of community by providing spaces that contribute to better access to affordable yet quality products for the family.