Payment Options

In order to promptly monitor your payments, MyCitiHomes have various payment options for you to choose from


The most secure and preferred payment is through issuance of post dated checks

      1. Guideline on Proper Check Issuance
        1. Use black ballpen only
        2. Left justify when writing on spaces
        3. End the amount with “only”
        4. Write legibly
        5. No Erasure No Alteration
        6. Make sure to sign the check with the authorized signatories
        7. Do not staple, crumple or fold the checks
        8. Do not forget to fund your check before the due date
    1. Important Tips on Handling Checking Account
        1. Fund your checking account thru ONLINE FUND TRANSFER at least 5 banking days before the check due date. For your convenience and safety, we encourage you to Enroll in Mobile banking applications or download GCASH Application to Transfer Fund to your checking account online.
        2. Be aware of bank penalties
          • Penalty for a Returned or Bounced Check
            PHP 2,000 for every PHP 40,000
          • Additional Penalty for a Returned Check.
            PHP 200 for each day that passes until you fund your check.
        1. Keep in mind laws against bouncing checks
          • Imprisonment or fine for issuing a returned or bounced check, if your payee sues you under the Anti-Bouncing Checks Law (BP 22 or Batas Pambansa Bilang 22) and you are found guilty.
          • Law on Estafa or Swindling (Presidential Decree No. 818, an amendment to Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code)
        1. Know the meanings of these acronyms: DAIF and DAUD
          • DAIF = Drawn Against Insufficient Funds means your account balance is not enough to pay your check payee.
          • DAUD = Drawn Against Uncleared Deposits means your account balance is enough, but part or all of the amount is not yet available due to not-yet-cleared funds.
        1. Do not Fall below your Average Daily Balance (ADB)
          • Monthly Average Daily Balance (MADB) requirement, usually Php 5,000 or Php 10,000 pesos. Falling below your maintaining balance will be charged Php 300-500 per month. This is automatically deducted to your balance.
        1. Handle your checking account carefully
          • Three (3) bounced check will result to Automatic Closure of your account.
          • This will affect your credit worthiness if you will apply for a bank loan
          • Monitor your checking account
          • Monitor the Monthly Due Dates of your issued Post Dated Checks. Ensure sufficient funding before it falls due.
    1. How to fund your local checking account without going out of your home
            • Access your Mobile Banking Application
              • BDO Personal Banking,
              • BPI Mobile
              • UnionBank Online
              • Landbank Mobile
            • Select Send Money and enter the details of your checking account to be funded
              • Send to Same Bank:
                    • Account Number
                    • Amount
              • Send to Another Local Bank:
                    • Bank
                    • Account Number
                    • Amount
              • Transfer Verified
                    • Keep a copy of the online transfer confirmation receipt for recording purposes.
          1. Payment through GCash and Paymaya
            • Under Services, select Bills
            • Under Bills, select the Real Estate category
            • Search for the biller name “MYCITIHOMES” for CBDI accounts
            • Fill out the required details. Confirm to Send.


    • Go to your nearest/preferred bank
    • Fill cash / check transaction slip
      1. Company name
      2. Subscriber’s name
      3. Subscriber’s account number (Project Code)
      4. Institution Code:
          • CBDI: 1120
          • KAIA: 1127
      • Name of Principal Buyer
      • Property Details
            • Subdivision
            • Phase
            • Block
            • Lot
      • Take a clear photo or scan your Deposit Slip and send it at Payments will be validated upon receipt of the deposit slip/transaction slip


    1. You can choose from two (2) banks under Bills Payment both for mobile of website
        1. Metrobank
        2. Banco De Oro
    2. Choose your Biller Name
        2. KAIA HOMES INC.
    3. Make sure to enter the correct details
        1. Reference Number / Account Code
        2. Subscribers Name
    1. Send a copy of the payment confirmation at Payments will be validated within 24 hours upon receipt of the deposit slip/transaction slip