Upon successful completion of the Move-In requirements, you may now accept and occupy your property. Turn-over of unit will commence 1-2 weeks after payment. To give way for the processing of the following pre-signed documents during Move-in Orientation:
- Authority to Move in
- Statement of Warranties
- Deed of Restrictions
This document will be included to the Move-In Kit to be given by the Site Management together with the keys of your property on the actual house acceptance.
- Once cleared and endorsed by C&C/AMG, Buyer proceeds to Prop. Admin to apply for Move In. Buyer fills out complete set of Move-In documents. Move In Asst. orients Buyer on Pre-and Post-Move in processes. Then, Buyer pays the required move-in fees.
- After approval of application (after 1 week), Move-In Asst. informs Buyer to claim Approved ATMI and schedules the “Move-In Experience” – a joint inspection / unit acceptance session with Site Management.
- In case of findings on the unit during the date of “Move-In Experience”. Move In Services shall schedule a final inspection and turnover of keys at site with the assistance of Site MGMT. Buyer then signs the Certificate of House Inspection and Acceptance (CHIA).
- Buyer registers with the Homeowner’s Association and pays:
- Membership Fee
- Association Dues
- Water Connection Fee – Please bring your copy of the ATMI and Water Connection Clearance during application and seminar/orientation with the Water District
Likewise, the Company shall be deemed to have performed all its obligations contained in the Contract to Sell, Deed of Absolute Sale, and other pertinent documents, laws, and regulations concerning the property.
For Cash Buyers of Non-RFO units, request for move-in will start only after house construction completion clearance.