APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION PERSONAL INFORMATION Last Name: First Name: Middle Name: Realty Name: Head Office Address: TIN #: Accreditation Date: HLURB#: HLURB Expiry Date: PRC#: PRC Expiry Date: Telephone # Fax #: Email: Mobile #: Birthdate: AFFILIATIONS Real Estate Affiliation 1 Period / Position Real Estate Affiliation 2 Period / Position Real Estate Affiliation 3 Period / Position ORGANIZATION Number of Agents: Number of Managers: Satellite Office REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE Period / Developer Projects Sale Period / Developer Projects Sale Period / Developer Projects Sale AREAS OF STRENGTH Location Package Please Check on sales generating activities that you prefer Exhibits and Mall Manning Online Marketing Saturation Drives Print Ads Site Manning Others REQUIREMENTS PLEASE UPLOAD THE CORRESPONDING DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED Photocopy of PRC License / HLURB ID - OPTIONAL 1x1 ID Picture of broker - Photocopy of BIR Certificate of Registration - Photocopy of Official receipt - BDO Account - 1x1 ID Picture Authorized representative - Govt. Issued Valid ID of Authorized representative - Special Power of Attorney for authorized representative - DISCLAIMER I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge, that any false or misleading information can directly affect my application. I am also fully aware that upon contract signing I am subject to conform to the company policies and guidelines governing Accreditation of Brokers.